As a search consultant and video interview pioneer, I see a lot of interviews. So if you’re looking to nail your next job interview, here is my advice to you.
- Show up on time – Prior to the interview, map out the interview location, determine how long it will take to get there and cushion in plenty of time for traffic.
Better to be early than late.
- Dress appropriately – Though everyone loves to wear them, don’t dress in denims to the interview. Remove all piercings from your face and do your best to cover up any tattoos. With your peers you may be compelled to “keep it real” but in the real world a little conformity or shall I say accommodation in the appearance department will get you farther. That is if making money isn’t too uncool for you. Also, if you have time to kill before the interview, don’t kill it by smoking.
- Turn off your phone! – Don’t even put it on vibrate! Turn the ringer all the way off!
- Shake hands and make eye contact – Greet your interviewer with a firm handshake and look them straight in the eye. Other body language tips are: Don’t slouch, don’t nod excessively and don’t cross your arms. Here are more helpful tips on proper interviewing body language.
- Bring extra resume copies – Don’t expect the hiring manager to always be prepared and don’t always assume you will be interviewing with only one person. Having a couple of extra resume handouts will demonstrate your professionalism.
- Know the company – Your responses should relate to the job for which you are applying and even to the company’s mission. Research the company prior to the interview and find out what they stand for. Hiring managers want to see candidates who are enthusiastic about working for their company. If you’re just looking for a paycheck that will become apparent to the interviewer and they will choose someone with more passion.
- Smile and show some energy – If you have made it to the interview stage then the interviewer already knows you have some skills. Now you are being evaluated for your professionalism, whether you’re going to like doing the job and whether they are going to like working with you. If you don’t show enthusiasm you are indicating to the hiring manager that you might leave in six months. Replacing employees can cost organizations up to $50K so you aren’t getting the job if they don’t think you’re going to like the work. Additionally over 80% of employers will hire for cultural fit over skills. This means you’d better be likeable so flash those pearly whites! And, if you really hate the place, might be best to not take an offer, if you should by some chance receive one.
- Have some questions prepared – See point #5. If you don’t have any questions about the company then you either haven’t done your homework or you really aren’t that interested. If the interviewer has answered all your questions then ask them for their contact information so that you can follow-up with more questions if necessary.
- Ask for next steps – You need to go out on a positive note. Before you shake hands in departure, once again mention that you are very interested (without sounding desperate) and ask when you can expect to hear back from them.
- Follow-up – Send a thank you email to the hiring manager later that day or the next morning. Also, don’t underestimate the power of a handwritten letter sent the old fashioned way.
- Bonus Tip – Practice interviewing! Yes, that’s right. Learn what some of the most common interviewing questions are, answer them and then share them with friends and family for additional advice. Go in prepared!